"The young pianists Marianne and Maureen form an excellent piano duo with extraordinary qualities in ensemble playing and musical expression. They highlight the musical structure through layering of sound and intensely passionate playing. Their authentic and sincere way of playing makes the music recognizable in emotion and inner strength."
~Wibi Soerjadi
"Tonight, a brilliant quatre-mains concert was given by Maureen van IJzerloo and Marianne Hansen in the Kleine Kerk in Voorhout. Their ensemble playing was truly outstanding. The synchronization and passion with which they played the piano left a deep impression. It was Classical Enjoyment with a capital C, thanks to these young talents!"
~Vrienden van de Kleine Kerk 2024
"It was a concert that reflected the perfect harmony between the two pianists, filling the Sunday afternoon with musical beauty."
~Stichting Barendrecht Klassiek 2024
"Thanks to their attention to every detail and their dedication to music, they consistently manage to surprise with their musical performances. It is clear to hear how much care and attention they devote to every detail in their playing, making them a unique duo."
~ Stichting Cultuur tijdens het Middaguur Breda